It's that time of year. The season where some of us have identified goals to accomplish over the next twelve months. Creating goals and making plans is important to me, you, and possibly #45, Donald Trump.
In this piece, I will provide some leadership advice that Trump should implement in 2019. Ending the government shutdown is without doubt, a top priority. These other three suggestions I will share, are useful for anyone in a position of power and specific to the poor decisions made by the current US president. Whether you support his administration or experience convulsions when reading the three words, President Donald Trump, you will find my recommendations useful.
Please read on.
Leaders practice activities that support positive self-awareness. They engage in actions such as setting goals to develop an understanding of their aspirations and the necessary steps for achievement. The actions of a leader should reflect personal and group interests in alignment with the mission of the organization they are assigned to represent. In the president’s case, his decisions and behaviors should resonate with the American people.
In 2018, Trump did what he believed served his interests. It often appeared that with all deliberate intention, he neglected to consider the needs outside of his constituents. From the failure to distance himself from hate groups to the abuse of the oval office and social media, #45 has consistently made poor leadership choices.
Deriving from some of #45’s 2018 highlights the following are my suggested goals for Trump to implement right now!
1. Delete your Twitter account
Social media is a useful tool to connect with communities, receive news, and share business interests. Twitter and other platforms can also serve as a resource to engage in political dialogue, but as the president of the United States, there is a different expectation. From the threats to foreign nations to misspellings such as “smocking gun,” Trump has proven that he does not need a Twitter account. Policy disagreements should require private and public venues where parties can respond to differences of opinion. Twitter is an incredible resource, but it does not qualify as an appropriate outlet for high profile leaders lacking the ability to think critically before pressing “Tweet.”
2. Lose Kanye West's number
On October 11, 2018, Kanye West visited The White House for a meeting that was part self-promotion and part political ploy. As Georgetown professor Michael Eric Dyson stated, West acted as a "ventriloquist dummy for white supremacists." West promoted the meeting as an opportunity to discuss critical issues impacting communities of color, but it served as one among other media stunts to promote egotistical interests. Kanye needs to spend time out of the spotlight, appreciating his beautiful family and getting back in tune with the divine source that enabled his creative genius to produce classic albums such as The College Dropout and Late Registration. If you're a leader, please understand, Kanye West does not need to visit your home.
3. Distance yourself from people with white supremacy associations
Leaders understand that their peer group speaks volumes to their character. The people within a leader’s inner circle can empower or weaken their ability to make positive choices. John Ullyot’s failure to acknowledge the troubling politics and actions of Neo-Nazi groups in Charlottesville is evidence that the Trump administration maintains a relationship with white supremacy group members. You can’t lead from a space of hate in 2019 and expect to be effective unless your goals include not supporting diverse and inclusive communities.
In the upcoming year, there exists a surplus of opportunities available to leaders who desire to make a positive impact in this world. Since Trump took office in 2016, I have not witnessed policies or actions aligned with "making America Great." From the push to fund a wall between the US and Mexico to connections with hate groups and the support of judicial nominations with histories of committing sexual assault, it is evident that change is imperative for 2019.
Creating new goals aligned with the suggestions in this post can improve the lives of all leaders, including the current US president.
Whether or not, #45, is interested in making changes is debatable. Given the shutdown and its impact on the American people, it does not appear that Trump possesses concerns about anyone other than himself.
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